Google Play App Store

Know More About RIPE

App Features

The official home of all tasty things is at your fingertip. Search, cook and share yummy recipes of various countries.

Plan Meals

Many people enjoy cooking but can’t find the time to plan their meals ahead of time. It allows you to take advantage of convenience by helping you come up with a grocery list and even providing recipes for you that match your dietary needs.

Alert And Notifications

This feature will inform users if there are new recipes added by the chefs they followed , about likes and views of recipes and other alerts that will allow users to engage more on the app

Add and upload recipie

This feature will allow users to add their recipe online to share with others for yummy and delicious meals.


Sharing is caring, Since we are almost all immersed in the digital world, it’s best to share what we know.

Search recipe

Search for your desired recipes and instantly make it. Have a happy meal!!!

Filter recipes based on country

Filter your desired recipe by countries and categories among , no need to do unnecessary scrolling for it. Its just a one filter away
